Monday, December 21, 2009

Younger Looking Make-up Tips

Eventually, the effects of time begin show on our faces. Here are four simple techniques to look your best no matter what age you are.

1. Instead of the traditional lip liner pencil, line your lips with a stiff bristled brush using your blush. This gives your lipstick the staying power that helps prevent any bleeding or feathering of your lip color around your lips.

2. To set your make-up, apply a loose translucent powder with a powder brush in the morning and do not reapply during the day. Excessive powder, especially from a compact, accentuates lines and wrinkles. If you need a touch up for shine, simply use a fluffy brush like our Complexion Brush and smooth it over your face.

3. Lessening the appearance of jowls (the lines from the edge of the nose to the corner of the mouth) is accomplished with Beige Eye-lite. Using a highlighter de-emphasizes the shadow created by the jowl thus making it less noticeable. Check your chart in the Free Facial Chart section of our site for a guide on Beige Eye-lite placement. To lessen the appearance of a saggy neck, use a non-frosted powder slightly darker than your natural skin tone and apply it under your chin. This creates the effect of a shadow, therefore making it less prominent.

4. Forget the myth that you shouldn’t wear frosted eye shadow over the age of thirty. Frosted eye shadows, if applied properly, can make you look young. Never use one color on the entire eyelid! Per your Free Facial Chart, use one light color under your brow, one color on your eyelid close to your lashes and one slightly darker shade on the crease if desired. And, most of all… Blend, blend, blend!

Remember that subtlety is the key. Armed with these four techniques, you have the arsenal to take on aging and look your best!


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